主题 : Foreigners please read me
级别: 校长

0  发表于: 2006-07-22 03:32

Foreigners please read me

Welcome to all of you Card Captor Sakura Fans~!

I am Manager of this website and BBS.

Have fun here!

If you got any problem,question or message,please reply this topic.We will try our best to help you.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-22 23:24:50编辑过]
级别: 五年级
1  发表于: 2006-07-25 15:02

Thank you for giving us such a great place to see what we like. I like here very much![em02]
级别: 初一
2  发表于: 2007-01-28 16:41

级别: 五年级
3  发表于: 2007-02-03 22:15

Maybe no foreigners! But we can communicate in English or other foreign lauguage here!
级别: 二年级
4  发表于: 2007-09-02 12:22

Lol, I might be... but I know chinese.... Thanks for this wonderful website
级别: 四年级
5  发表于: 2008-02-13 18:07

I don't have much to say......
just hope it will get better every day!
ThE wAY We ARe gOinG, THe sUn iS sHiNinG......