Time passes, the world changes 时间飞逝,世界改变
But I'm still the same ole' kid 但我仍是个小孩
And your jokes still bring me laughter 你的笑话仍让我微笑
As if you still were here 似乎你还在这里
And it hurts When I smile 我微笑了 隐隐作痛
'Cause my heart still remembers 因为我的心仍未忘记
When you were around 你在我身旁的时刻
'Cause you were there 因为你在那里
When no one was 没有人的时候
Just when I thought nobody cared 恰在我认为无人关心我时
You showed me love 你给了我爱
'Cause you were my friend You always told me 你总是跟我说 因为你是我的朋友
And I am still here 我仍在这里
Because you were there 因为你曾在这里
So precious, small treasures 如此宝贵的记忆
A time when truth was innocent 这一刻如此真实
True friendship, was all we were after 我们真挚的友谊
A place where kids could still be kids 一个孩子珍藏童年的地方
And it hurts 心隐隐作痛
But I'm glad 但我仍然感到快乐
'Cause at least I was blessed 因为最后上帝的赐予
To have you as my friend 你我成为朋友
You're my best friend 你是我最好的朋友
There are no accidents 不是偶然
God has a plan for everyone 上帝已为每一个人做好安排
And he brought you in my life 他把你带到我的生命中
To show me what a good friendship was 告诉我什么是真挚的友谊